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Icecrown Citadel - 10m Reputation Runs

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Joined: 12/25/2009
Posts: 82
Icecrown Citadel - 10m Reputation Runs

Last Sunday (2010-5-23) at 10PM realm time, we assembled a group of people to tackle ICC 10man.  This run consisted of members from Arise From Ashes as well as members of Women of Warcraft.  Kynlayssa, and Karmapixie were the only to join us on this run, but we look forward to seeing others in the future!

For those of you who aren't aware: Since the latest patch, a new faction has been added to World of Warcraft.  This faction is called "The Ashen Verdict".  This faction comes complete with new items to be gained from their faction quartermaster, just as any other faction in WoW.  One thing unique to this faction, however, is that upon reaching each tier of approval with them, you receive an upgraded ring of your choice.

The "rep run" is done by clearing all the trash mobs up to the boss, but not the bosses themselves (because this would lock the instance).  After that, you leave, and reset the instance, then do it all again.  Each regular mob is worth 15 reputation, mini-bosses are worth 50 reputation.  You need only 3,000 reputation total to get one of the following items.

Gaining 3,000 rep, makes you friendly with this faction.  Upon reaching Honored (6,000 additional rep) you receive an upgraded version of the same ring.