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Obsidian Sanctum

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Joined: 12/25/2009
Posts: 82
Obsidian Sanctum

Hey everyone, the weekly raid is currently Obsidian Sanctum.  This is located beneath Wyrmrest temple in Dragonblight.  The raid will be starting at 8:30PM Realm time, and should be done with within 30 minutes of starting.  Bring whichever characters you like and we will fill in the rest!

Hope to see you all there!

Az's picture
Joined: 12/25/2009
Posts: 82

Another success, this raid went very well.  We had the following turn out:

Anetra (Hunter DPS)
Azurria (Druid Tank)
Jackaladin (Paladin healer)
Kynlayssa (Hunter DPS)
Susannah (DeathKnight Tank)
and 5 randoms, 1 healer and 4 dps.

We completed the raid after about 20 minutes or so, and then went to Zul'aman with the following people:

Azurria (Druid Tank)
Tonera (Mage DPS)
Helena (Priest Healer)
Lyrrinne (Rogue DPS)
Buckrodgers (Warlock DPS)
Kynlayssa (Hunter DPS)
Jackage (Mage DPS)
Anetra (Hunter DPS)
Lostina (DeathKnight DPS)
Cadder (Hunter DPS)

This went successfully as well, and Anetra even found Mojo the frog!  Congrats to Anetra!  Fun night, hope to do more again soon and have more people come along!


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