Hey Everyone, I've made a major update to the site. Please notice the "Guild Roster" link added to the navigation menu on the left of the page. In it, you can find a link to everyone in the guilds character profile, which are automatically imported on a 12 hour interval. A special thanks to http://www.graviteedesigns.com/ for providing this great module!
Registered users can associate themselves with a character by clicking on the character name, then clicking the "add this toon to your profile" button located in the bottom left hand corner of the page.
Administrators can find a new option in the admin menu under Content Management>Manage Guild Roster to make manual changes to the roster. I've already associated the current registered users to their main characters, but feel free to add more!
Also, on a side note, I am messing with the "Active Topics" layout. (its underneath the navigation menu) I'm trying to find a good mix of relative information and style, but I don't think I'm quite there yet. If anyone has suggestions I am all ears!
Update: I just added in private messaging between users. If you receive a private message, you'll see "Messages (1 new)" on your navigation bar. To send a message to some one, just click on their username on the User List or where ever you may see them. (The user list is located on the navigation menu)