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Site Update: Photo Galleries added!

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Joined: 12/25/2009
Posts: 82
Site Update: Photo Galleries added!
Hello everyone, I have added photo gallery support to the site finally!   You can find the photo galleries on your navigation menu (left hand side), or you just click here to access the main listing of galleries.  I've created several test galleries just to demonstrate the styling and layout of everything.

To get started:
Click on the link that says "Create New Gallery"
Select a gallery name, and (optionally) enter a description of the gallery.
Click save; you will now have an empty gallery.
Begin uploading pictures by clicking the "Add Photo" link at the bottom of your gallery.
The interface will allow you to upload files (up to 2MiB in size), and then crop them as well.
Click the save button to save the photo, then observe your work!
Rinse and repeat for additional photos.
If you have any questions or complaints, just send me a private message!
Thanks everyone!